
Welcome to the Loyd ISLAMIC CENTER

Loyd ISLAMIC CENTER is a non-profit organization committed to nurturing Islam as a complete way of life in the light of the guidance from the Qur’an and Sunnah for establishing a vibrant presence of our faith in Canada. Loyed ISLAMIC CENTER exists as a platform for all Muslims who share its mission and are dedicated to serving the needs of Muslims and Muslim communities.
It is the oldest and the biggest religious center in LLOYDMINSTER, with founders and the community supporting us since 2009. and is the central hub to lead and carry out many religious and other non-religious activities. There are over 15+ nationalities that use the center for different activities.


Our mission at Loyed Islamic Center and mosque is to provide a welcoming and inclusive space for Muslims to worship, learn, and connect. We strive to promote Islamic values of compassion, justice, and service to humanity while fostering dialogue and understanding with our broader community. Through education, outreach, and social initiatives, we aim to enrich the lives of individuals and contribute positively to society.”

Dear Community of LIC,
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah

We are pleased to launch the new website and Loyd Muslim Community Directory portal. Our team will endeavor to bring you the latest community events and news and will cater to the requirements of our growing community. Thank you for your support.

www.lloydmislamiccenter.com is a website focused on providing a comprehensive information source for the Muslim community in Lloydminster and all visiting guests.

The website provides a variety of services such as:

A list of activities of the Mosque.

  • *Current Adhan/Iqamah Times
  • *Community Events
  • *Muslim Business Directory Service
  • *Islamic Articles and FAQs
  • *Up-to-date community news and announcements
  • *Ramadan and Eid Dates and time, location

www.lloydmislamiccenter.com is officially launched on the 01st of June 2024. – before the onset of the EID UL ADHA!

The website has been developed and designed by I.T. professionals, with industry knowledge and know-how. It is focused on providing a comprehensive information hub presented in a user-friendly and reliable manner. We strive to provide a service that is long-lasting, beneficial, and ultimately – supported by the broader Muslim community Insha-Allah (God Willing).

If you wish to advertise community related announcements to this website by making your service known to the Muslim community or have any suggestions and ideas, please email us at info@lloydmislamiccenter.com

Best Regards and Salaam

Our Board of Directors

Board of Directors:

Br.Muhammad Imran Khan
Br.Abdul Rehman
Br.Aamir Farooq

More Board Members

Contact Us


Lloydminster Islamic Center, 4610 49 Ave, Lloydminster, Canada

Social Media

All rights reserved 2024 © LIC Islamic Center